Plury Química was acquired by Manuchar The transaction will strengthen Manuchar’s presence in the human nutrition market in Brazil. Plury Química, a leading supplier of specialty chemicals and ingredients to the Human Nutrition and Beverage industries, has been acquired by Manuchar, a leading global distributor of chemicals. Founded in 1989, Plury Química has become a leading specialty and ingredient importer in Brazil, serving a diverse range of customers in Brazil's food and beverage industry with decades of relationships. Headquartered in Diadema, in the State of São Paulo, and with a branch in Paraíba, Plury Química has established itself in the market with a reputation for quality products, reliability of supply and customized services for its customers. Headquartered in Belgium, Manuchar is a global leader in chemical distribution and employs 2,500 people worldwide. Today Manuchar operates a local distribution network for chemical products in North America, Latin America, Africa, Europe, the Middle East and Asia. In Brazil, Manuchar has been present since 1993 and serves the entire country with 450 employees. The acquisition of Plury Química, which was advised by igc partners, will boost Manuchar's growth in Brazil in the human nutrition segment, in addition to expanding its geographic presence in the consolidating market for chemical distribution.